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16-04-2023 | read

111th Executive Committee Meeting (ECM) of NTPC was held on 14th-15th April 2023 at Manesar.

ECM was chaired by Shri Gurdeep Singh, CMD NTPC and attended by all Functional Directors, REDs, EDs and senior executives.

During ECM, elaborate discussions were held on NTPC's performance, fuel security, outage management, commercial & financial aspects, digital transformation in NTPC,Renewable energy plan, HR practices, safety statistics, critical issues of the regions, new initiatives for improvement and business opportunities for NTPC. 

Further, a session was conducted on Energy Transition by KPMG followed by discussion in NTPC context.

The session on personal finance was also conducted by renowned author Ms Monika Halan. Morning yoga sessions were also organized on both days.

The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks.